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to everyone who attended our Grand Finale Performance. It was the perfect way to celebrate 25 years of artistic and educational dance service to the communities we've been honored to be a part of. We also want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all who have supported and cherished GroundWorks DanceTheater over the years. Your lives have enriched ours, just as we hope we've enriched yours.

GroundWorks DanceTheater 25th Anniversary Logo







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We would like to invite you to share a thought or brief message about something that has been meaningful to you about your experience with GroundWorks. Use the form to submit a text, video or photo response. Responses will be posted below in celebration of our 25 year legacy.

Your achievement in attaining a top-notch dance company will be remembered for years. You brought enjoyment of dance to many in the community and we all thank you. Whatever comes next......enjoy and good luck!

Char Fowler
Sustained Patron and Donor

David, you have done so much more for my artistic development than you could possibly know. Thank you for permitting me to sketch during rehearsals, and for all your kindnesses. May a thousand blessings follow you whatever PATHWAY you choose to follow next.

Robert Wright
Fan and Action/Reaction Collaborator

Bittersweet, indeed.  For a quarter of a century, GroundWorks has celebrated, challenged, and imaginatively conceived what dance means for our region.  Thank you to the artists, supporters, and audiences of GroundWorks for your longstanding leadership.

Jeremy Johnson
Sustained Patron and Arts Advocate

Thank you David for all the things I can think of. Your dedication, your creativity, your support to your profession and the community, the joy and pleasure you gave the countless attendees. All of this would not be without you and all the support of the dancers, administrators, and a loyal Board and gracious benefactors. Mille Grazie!

Roberto Fatica
Patron and It Takes Two! Celebrity Dancer Alum

David, it has been my pleasure to experience GroundWorks for many years in various capacities. You have brightened and enriched my life. With gratitude and love.

Suzanne Hamilton
Board Member and ITT Celebrity Dancer Alum

Your unwavering dedication and passion have transformed our dance community in ways words cannot fully express. Thank you for inspiring us all and leaving a legacy of beauty and grace.

Mia Klinger
Previous Collaboration with Groundworks

As a patron, I admired the creative choreography and the expertise with which it was performed by Groundworks' dancers. As a student in CSU's Department of Theatre and Dance, I was fortunate to have witnessed slices of the dancers' classes and practices in the studio adjacent to mine. When our department was absent an instructor, a Groundworks dancer brought her excellent skills, technique and teaching methodology to a very appreciative intermediate ballet class. And, of course, I was thrilled to have volunteered for Groundworks' fundraiser last year.

Maria Pokrandt
Patron, volunteer for 2023 fundraiser

I remember being in first cohort of It Takes Two, getting the honor to dance Ring of Fire with Felice. And that fear the actual night it happened. So glad to be a trailblazer in a great fundraiser/friend raiser. Thanks for the memories, as they say.

Bob Eckardt
It Takes Two! Alum

How does one thank you for all your hard work of ingenuity creativity, vision, passion of exquisite forms of dance for over 25 years? David, your art of dance, collaborating with other dancers with full team work gave me much joy and stimulation of emotional, intellectual escape and blissful journeys of my mind, that I cannot really put into words to express my gratitude for what Groundworks has really given me! Highlights of mind-blowing performances still tickle my memories as if they just happened! Like when Amy tapped her feet in such agitated comic movements waiting for the train to come to the station, I broke into hysterical laughter relating to my own movements as I went through my own frustrations waiting for a train, or a bus, or a plane in my world travels! She hit the nail on the head! Another enjoyable moment was when you and Mark got tangled up in the jacket- I was beside myself with out-of-control laughter! Such perfection and precision! Another memory was at the Civic when you, Amy and Michael Metcalf did a one-time performance even before there was a Groundworks! Just breathtaking! Many times I witnessed your stoic pose as you came down the fashion runway. I was truly enrapt. In “once there was a house” was another highlight and all its parts when Felice danced with a fence.Unreal! Unpublished stories of Virgina woolf was a true masterpiece! With Sarah’s impish portrayal of her inner child, and Amy was beyond captivating. The Ghost Opera was a turning point for me in which I had to paint a picture of it when Annika seduced a crate and I gave that painting to you and Mark as a memento. This is just a brief sampling of the many cherished memories you have created for us. And thank you is not enough! I will dearly miss you and your teams of artists! Keep us posted of what you do next! All the best!

Rachelle Neher

Your company was the only one we could count on to be consistently intense, dramatic, theatrical, and blessedly free of tutus and tippy toes. Your professionalism, creativity, and cutting edge artistry were a joy to observe. No other company in this region is even remotely in your class. What a terrible loss this is going to be. Good luck to you all and please come back in whatever guise you can manage.

Timothy Minnis
Subscriber, sometime donor, always a big fan

I recently had to opportunity to read comments by Ohio Ballet dancers who participated in a collaboration years ago with an Indian dance company to produce Jungle Book. David’s words were of appreciation for the artistic growth that came to him from this venture. He took that growth to new heights with GroundWorks! Thank you, David.

Barbara Schubert

I really enjoyed the intimacy of the performances at Cain Park. The small venue enabled the audience and dancers to connect more deeply than in larger venues and enhanced the experience. I wish you all well in your next endeavors.


Maybe 10 or 12 years ago, my wife and I ventured into an unknown (to us) territory, a cemetery in Akron. It was a beautiful summer evening, walking among the tombstones for ten minutes, we came across the stage. Beneath a breathtaking sunset, Shimotakahara's dancers moved like sacred spirits brought to to life, the movement, music, colors were pure magic.

James Levin

Some of my favorite memories are sitting on a blanket and experiencing GroundWorks DanceTheater at Arts in the Park in Tremont. Incredible performances and magical evenings you didn’t want to end. Congratulations to David, the entire company, and all the artists, performers, and behind-the-scenes crew that have left an indelible mark on contemporary dance in Northeast Ohio and beyond the past 25 years! Thank you for inviting us to be a part of it!

Jonathan Wehner
Board of Directors

David and Groundworks,
Thank you for sharing your love of dance with children at CMSD schools. You have helped many march to the beat of their own drum. Also, I appreciate your support for me personally when I needed it the most.

Marcy Saxton

Dear David and everybody at Groundworks,
Blessings of love and light to you. Deepest gratitude!

Lauri and Glo Stallings

It is hard to let you go…

Kasia Rothenberg

David, Congratulations on your incredible legacy with Groundworks. It’s a privilege to know you and experience your artistry.

Daniel Hahn
Vice President of Education PlayhouseSquare

Heartbroken to see you dance off into the sunset, but I appreciate all you did in the field of dance over the years, and the numerous performances I was able to enjoy. Mostly in Akron @ EJ Thomas or the Heinz Poll Dance Festival.
We need more not less artists. Hopefully your legacy will continue thru the people you mentored!

Bunny Lazarow Lacey

My name is Xochitl Tejeda Cerda and I meet David Shimotakahara “Shimo” in 1986. From then on he was one of the most iconic figures in my professional career. After losing the powerful leadership of the Artistic Director we both worked under for many years I was incredibly lucky to have had the support and the professional integrity of Groundworks DanceTheater to embrace and welcome me until I was ready to retire and move away from performing. During the seasons I enjoyed performing with Groundworks DanceTheater I realized how far and how strongly Shimo accomplished his goals and foundation of his very unique and creative Theatre Dance Company. Congratulations dearest “Shimo” for an outstanding and successful 25 years! Sincerely wishing you 25 more!!

Xochitl Tejeda de Cerda
Former GroundWorks Dancer

Dear David,
Where do I begin?! I was teaching at Old Trail School when the Ohio Ballet launched its first season. I sat with my little daughters on the Cascade Plaza watching the first summer dance performance. We followed the Ohio Ballet though all its seasons, enjoying your outstanding performances with that remarkable company during the years you danced with them. When you founded Groundworks after Ohio Ballet closed, we have followed your remarkable work. One year, one of those daughters who sat with me on Cascade Plaza, well grown up and working as an executive at University Hospitals danced with one of your dancers at a Groundworks fundraiser at the Cleveland Museum. That was a thrill for the whole family and the dance couple even won the competition that evening. We will certainly miss your dance company and its benefit to this region. We will continue to look for dance that reflects the great talent and style of Northeastern Ohio. Thank you, David, for bringing your great gift to us over these last 25 plus years!

Heather Wicks
Longtime Patron and Donor

How many years of memories, first with Ohio Ballet and then when you left to start Groundworks! We have been so fortunate here in Northeast Ohio to have experienced your imaginative and moving productions for all these years! I will never forget dancing with Damien Highfield, a dream come true! It’s impossible to imagine Groundworks without you! Congratulations on 25 wonderful years and enjoy your well deserved retirement! We certainly will miss you, but your legacy will not be forgotten!

Meg Stanton
Patron and It Takes Two! Alum

Dear David,
The integrity, grace, and nobility with which you have come to this decision is no surprise. These values are a reflection of all that you and Groundworks have embodied throughout your creative life. I applaud the professionalism and care you are taking to complete the arc of the company's and your work, and to leave behind a legacy in memory and inspiration. I am certain you are not finished making creative contributions to the world and I look forward to learning what is next for you.

Kathleen Cerveny
Friend and Supporter

GroundWorks Dance Company...What a wonderful gem! Cleveland was fortunate to have this exceptional talent right here in our own backyard! And I personally had all the trust in the world when I danced with Shimo and fell backwards into his, that's trust!!!!!!!!!

Enid Rosenberg
Dancer Alum

Love your innovative style! Enjoyed watching David for decades starting in the 70's with Heinz when my father, Dominick Maimone was the president of the board. Continued success in any and all endeavors!

Nancy Koly

It's hard to choose one standout memory. There are so many. Icehouse, Glendale Cemetery, Akron Art Museum. However, during the pandemic when Groundworks found a way to bring us together in a parking lot to enjoy dance in community with others still brings tears of joy. I will truly miss the creative performances & joy that you have given me through the 25 years. Thank you & bless each of you in your next chapters.


GroundWorks was the first dance company I had the opportunity to work with outside of my university's curriculum, both during their winter intensive and as an intern. I learned so much about administrative, artistic and DEI practices during the summer and every member of the organization was kind and generous with their time. My internship occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, so we all worked to navigate a remote platform together. Thank you for providing so much to the Cleveland dance community and to my personal experience as an artist.

Caitlin Dyer
Summer 2020 Intern

Congratulations on 25 years of excellence! I am very honored to have been part of GroundWorks's history, and grateful for the opportunity that David provided myself and so many other dancers to be part of such a special community. I will always remember my time with GroundWorks, whether it be for the "Pina Bausch' goes to the club" It Takes Two performance (shoutout to Amanda Cole! You rock!), the wonderful rehearsals full of research and play, or returning back to GroundWorks for a creative process opportunity as a choreographer just last year.

GroundWorks made such an impact on so many individuals, and on the contemporary dance scene, and I know that its legacy will be an inspiration for artists for many years to come. So much gratitude for all who contributed to making GroundWorks such a wonderful company, and especially for David. Thank you for the many years of innovation, humanity and artistry!

Maddie Hanson
Dancer Alum

In my experience, it's a rare thing to encounter an organization that truly embodies the values it centers, while still leaving room for individuality and a diversity of perspective, but that's exactly how it felt to work with Groundworks. I count myself so lucky to have had the chance to make with you all. Our collaboration was like a genuine embrace, and that's a testament to the environment that David and the dancers work so hard to uphold. That work will surely continue to influence everything you all do next. I have no doubt the dancers will move into new projects with rigor, curiosity, and a great deal of inspiration because of their time at GroundWorks. And to David in particular - thank you for this very special, truly impactful, contribution to our field. I'm full of awe for all you've built, and gratitude for your invitation to participate in it. Thank you, thank you.

Spenser Theberge

During my time at Cleveland State, GroundWorks consistently drew me in with their extraordinary performances and powerful messages. Every time they took the stage, it was an event I eagerly anticipated, not just for the entertainment but for the profound inspiration they provided. It was always evident there was a value and commitment to authenticity and connection.

Jacob Gaspar

My time dancing with GroundWorks will always be very special to me. I met some of the most amazing people who I still have the utmost respect for and adore today. It was also a privilege to get to work with so many wonderful choreographers and make and learn so much new work. Cheers to 25 years. I wish all involved the very best.

Lauren Garson
Dancer Alum

I have admired GroundWorks since its inception. While I understand the rationale behind the decision to close the company I still feel sadness for all the community will lose and wish the company members and staff great success in their next phase of life. Lastly, thank you David and GroundWorks for all you have given for these many years.

Lucinda Lavelli

Sitting at the bar at Primo Vino Restaurant and talking to Len and Marie Calabrese active Board Members and longtime supporters of GroundWorks. They asked me for supporting the Fundraiser they were having. Now for those of you are aware that restaurants are always being asked to donate a gift certificate, food, wine anything that can be raffled off. So, the request was not uncommon, and I mediately agreed. Then they explained the donation. Be a celebrity dancer. Well, neither celerity nor dancer seem to fit the request. That fun, that experience and that opportunity remain very special to me. Along with the fun, the experience and the opportunity to watch GroundWorks over the years.

Robert Fatica
It Takes Two! Inaugural Dancer

When I moved to Akron in 1999, David approached me to start working with him. GW was in it's early years, and I had no idea what a privilege this was. I had just proposed to my wife over Christmas holiday, and so any extra work I could find was a warm welcome. To say the least, I was baking bagels at 4 am, dancing with Ohio Ballet at Noon, and then dancing with Amy Hayes from 9 pm until we shut down around Midnight. There's something to be said about being a part of the creative process, or having an Artistic Director create a new work on you individually, especially at those magically witching hours. Over the 20 years that I worked with David Shimo, he was my peer, my boss, my director, my mentor, and above all my friend. We didn't always have to see things eye to eye, but there was always an understanding that if he needed me, I would be there. Thank you Shimo for all the life experiences that you provided to me and to the world with GroundWorks DanceTheatre.

Damien Highfield
Dancer alum

How in awe of David I am from the moment I heard he had started a company. He was a wonderful dancer whom I first met in Heinz Polls Company doing a work called "In a Word". As a leader and Artistic Director, he became a genius. A quiet genius with vision. He assembled a terrific group of dancers and somehow made it seem like there were dozens of them. Do all of you there realize how lucky you are? I think likely, yes you do. There are too many fond memories to share so I'll just call this a tribute to David.

Lynne Taylor-Corbett

I was at the University of Akron when David was in Ohio Ballet. I will never forget seeing him sitting outside of the studio in the old church with a giant spool of thread. He told me that he got the spool when he started dancing for Ohio Ballet. He was sewing his last pair of shoes and the thread was at its end. He then went on to creating GroundWorks with much success. So, even though the thread may be at its end, fresh and creative adventures are always around the corner.

Anna Roberts
Former dancer Verb Ballets

As an arts advocate and supporter, I wish to thank GroundWorks, and David, for being such a remarkable asset to this community, both with their dance focus but also for raising the quality level and exposure of arts in our region. As an architect, I was able to work with David and his wonderful GroundWorks staff on exploring the concept of an interdisciplinary arts center, with shared facilities with several non-profit arts groups. While the project was not able to gain full traction, it was a wonderful idea of David's and was an absolute delight to explore with amazing minds. Thank you, David, for what you have given our community!!!

John Williams
Supporter and Architect

The Community Outreach and Educational partnerships throughout the years created so many memories for those involved. Well done!


The Ice House performances. Amy Miller and Felise Bagley. Watching rehearsals. Moved, cried, laughed.

Deborah Bartle

Meeting Morgan, Joan, David, and all the dancers!

Christopher Van Note
Patron and sustained donor

I am thankful for the community I have found through GroundWorks

Morgan Ashley
GroundWorks Teaching Artist and movement practitioner

To you, David, to the company, and to the many collaborators fortunate enough to work with you over the years, I send the most sincere gratitude and admiration. My music has never been more alive than when partnered with GroundWorks, and my creative energy never more fully activated. To work alongside you, Amy, and the incredible array of GW dancers, designers, and staff over the span of many years and projects was a joy and a privilege. Your inquiries and invitations never required a second thought, only an immediate, “YES!” You always thanked the audience for being there, but it is you who have been there for so many of us—gathering, inspiring, and moving us. Thank you for giving yourself so generously and asking us to join you along the way.

Peter Swendsen
Composer/Collaborator/Overall Fan

Congratulations on 25 years of creativity, collaboration, and community, GroundWorks! GroundWorks was my first dance job right out of college where I grew from dancer to educator to choreographer over four beautiful seasons. Groundworks felt like a family where everyone's voice was heard and valued--not only in the studio but also on the administrative level. GroundWorks was a rarity, creating only original works, and the people that I had the privilege to dance alongside and collaborate with during the many choreographic processes are among the most brilliant and kind artists that I know. The legacy that David has created will live long past the life of the company...David, thank you for creating a home for so many dancers and. I am forever grateful to you for seeing the best in me and everyone who was involved with the organization.

Nicole Hennington
Dancer Alum

What an inspiration you are, David! As a fellow choreographer, community organizer, and founder, I have tremendous respect for you and the work you’ve done to create and curate world class contemporary dance performances in Cleveland. Your contributions to the national dance landscape won’t soon be forgotten!

Banning Bouldin
Choreographer Alum

Thank you for all of the beautiful artistry you have bestowed on our community over the years. Cleveland was so fortunate to have had such a world class company. We will miss your presence but your legacy will live on in the countless dancers whose artistry you have inspired. Thank you.

Marlene Leber

Remembering a GroundWorks performance at Akron Museum of Art in connection with an exhibit. I was on eye level right next to the performers. Without having to move my feet, I felt as if I was in step with each dancer. David, you have a way of making dancers approachable by inviting your audience in. You use every technique available to accomplish this, and if there happens not to be the right method, you invent your own. Wherever you performed you appreciated and respected your audience, sharing your love of dance with all. I'll be wondering who is lucky enough to get you next.

Marlene Goldheimer
Audience member

Dear David and the GroundWorks Team!

I wanted to write a message and send my best wishes to you all and my congratulations, as a huge and meaningful chapter is coming to close!

I feel privileged to have worked with you and to have been a part of your vision. Your resilience, strength and perseverance was admirable. I will always remember the drive to shape contemporary dance in Cleveland through creative processes and the courage to meet many different communities. I must say echoes of my time with GWDT come and visit every now and then, putting a smile on my face!

GWDT's legacy will be carried through all those who have been touched by the company.

All the best for the future and a heartfelt Thank You!

Michael Marquez
Former dancer

Let me congratulate you on your retirement, but more than that …. on your vision, your adventure, your success in bringing true artistry to the dance stage for all these years. We all were very lucky to have Groundworks in our lives here in NE Ohio. And I feel very fortunate to have had the honor of working with you and the company on a couple of projects.

One cherished memory is seeing your piece, A Person, danced by Amy Miller. Both Amy’s and your deep talents shone so brightly; I was blown away by the depth of your work and the intelligence of Amy’s performance …. or is it the intelligence of your work and the depth of Amy’s performance? It must be both.

Other happy memories are seeing you before or after a Groundworks performance and always being greeted so very warmly by you. It meant a lot. Because I admire what you’ve accomplished and how 'human' you remain. So - congratulations!

Wishing you all the best as you transition to this new life. May it be rewarding, and sweet.

Nusha Martynuk

No other artistry company has so challenged my personal faculties such as these: my discernment, my values, my incredulity, my emotions, my intellect, my sensuality, my sensitivity, my growth and my heart. Let's just say I was always royally rocked with every performance I attended! Thanks for the enthralling and uplifting journey!
To the dancers: go forth and share your talents and your vitality!

Sandy Bates
David's proud sister, reviewer, admirer of the company

For the last several decades I have described my brother, David, as the coolest guy I know. We all know him as the most enlightened, inspirational, creative artist in a very tight demanding industry. I found out how popular he is when we visited Cleveland and people all over the city would yell out “Hey David!” from down the street. What I want to tell you is that David is a kind, thoughtful and generous soul who is the rock of our family. The dance world is losing one of its bright stars but we, his family, rejoice that we will see him more often.

Steven Shimotakahara

Backstage at the Civic Theatre sitting in the front row Felise Bagley in her dance movement came within inches of my wife's face. She could feel her breathe. Now that's intimate and up close. We will never forget that experience. Ice House memories are all memorable.

Tom Benjamin

This has been an experience of a lifetime. Beginning with my dance number with Damien and experiencing the thrill of doing something totally our of my comfort zone, and then witnessing every year the tremendous celebration of connecting through dance with a new group of daring risk takers and their family and friends coming together to support the cause. GroundWorks has built the best party in town displaying what true diversity can look like. But his is all secondary to the real gem...our performances and community outreach initiatives.

Your creativity and ability to attract and direct such talented professional dancers has been a rare gift to our NE Ohio community. In additional to unique and special programs GroundWorks commitment to community outreach and education has exposed thousands over these years to the possibilities through dance.
I thank you, our Board, our loyal and supportive funders, our professional dancers and staff, our alumni celebrity dancers and all of the family and friends who have been a part of the GroundWorks team over these last 25 years for the wonderful opportunity to witness and appreciate the very best in contemporary dance.

Cyndy Dunn
Celebrity dancer alum...2009 and also Board member for the past 16 years

Dear Groundworks,

I was raised in NYC on Balanchine, Robbins and other giants of ballet, but when I moved to Cleveland, your performances opened me up to the world of dance outside of traditional ballet.

Impressed with the high caliber of your dancers, graceful and athletic, and the captivating choreography of your resident and guest artists, I was drawn to your performances. I became a big fan.

Art, architecture and music don't touch me like dance does. Your dance company moved me.

I will miss you.

Best of luck to each professional in your organization.

Teri Lautman
Cleveland fan

I wanted to let you know how much I loved working together and how fortunate I felt to have worked with GroundWorks. You created and maintained such an incredible group of artists and I remember my time with such fondness. I felt like you created such a supportive environment to take risks and to really explore in my time with the company. I also remember that you expressed that the piece was a bit off at the dress rehearsal and that you felt like there was room for growth. I remember feeling so heartened that you were honest with me and holding such a constant high standard for the process, the work, the performance...every step of the experience.

Monica Bill Barnes
Guest Artist - Tonight's The Night - 2017

I danced with GroundWorks in my early career, from 2004-2007, and had the honor of performing alongside some extraordinary artists: David Shimotakahara, Amy Miller, Felise Bagley, Mark Otlowski and Damien Highfield, as well as some amazing designers, musicians, and guest choreographers. My highest ideals for dance were formed through my GroundWorks experience; to be in constant creative process and in conversation with new ideas, to work as a collaborative and value everyone in the room, to be intimately embedded into a city and a community. David found ways to bring dance to people instead of the other way around, touring GroundWorks' stage to non-traditional spaces and historic sites, highlighting the culture and beauty of Cleveland and its neighboring environs. I loved my time there. I co-founded the Traverse City Dance Project in 2012 and joined the faculty of the USC Kaufman School in Los Angeles in 2016, and have found myself constantly returning to GroundWorks for encouragement and inspiration, especially concerning how to continually raise the bar, technically, creatively and communally, when resources are increasingly scarce and challenging to come by. I am sad to see the end of this extraordinary organization, and extend my eternal love and gratitude to David Shimotakahara for his many years of dedication and innovation, and for being an incredibly bright spot in the dance world. To all of the GroundWorks team - you are a treasure. Wishing you all good things ahead.

Jennifer Lott
Dancer Alumn

I am so grateful for the artistic inspiration sparked by this company over the years. A favorite memory of mine is taking daily morning classes with Felise, Damien, Annika, and many others with Mark Otloski teaching. Cleveland will miss you, GroundWorks! Thank you for setting such a high standard for contemporary dance in this city.

Outreach teaching artist, audience member

I was commissioned by David Shimotakahara and GroundWorks DanceTheater just as I was starting out in my career as a choreographer. Later, I was invited back to make another work just as I’d become a new mother. During both of these delicate moments in my life, I had an extraordinarily supportive experience working with GroundWorks. I felt free to explore as an artist, granted space and autonomy to pursue my vision. I felt trusted. This was all due to David.

David is the sort of calm, sure-handed, gentle leader I deeply admire. He never needed to be out front, grandstanding or demanding fealty. Instead, his quiet strength permeated his company and studio. David made necessary things happen with apparent ease and seemed to lead by listening (no small magic trick) and by making smart choices in response. For me, the clearest symbol of David’s excellence in leadership is that each time I was commissioned I deeply enjoyed working with the GroundWorks dancers. The consistency of that experience is a sure sign of top-down balance.

Once, I asked David to dance in one of my pieces. Now that I’m an older dancer myself, I have a clearer sense of how challenging that request might have been. Yet David met it with grace, clarity and full commitment, and he was beautiful and honest in my work. I think that’s just who David really is.

With warmth and respect,

Kate Weare
Choreographer & Artistic Director, Kate Weare Company

David Shimotakahara: It’s hard to believe it's been 25 years since you established GroundWorks DanceTheater as a groundbreaking dance company community that has maintained the highest level of professionalism throughout its run. Congratulations and best wishes to the company members and you, and to all your future endeavors.

R. Williams
Cleveland, OH

I remember seeing GroundWorks at the Ice House. Seeing Felise, Amy and Damien perform there will always be the most vivid memory.

Matthew Roberts
Artistic Director & Founder, Frtrss Dance Theatre

My most salient memory of GroundWorks was seeing them at the Ice House as a middle school dance student at Miller South.

Nakiasha Moore-Dunson
The National Center for Choreography - Akron

The first time I saw a GroundWorks performance was in February of 2023 with the Transcendence installation performance, and I was astonished to see the five dancers move together so powerfully. Since then, I’ve made sure to go to every performance I could. I also had the opportunity to take a few classes from company member Ahna, and I believe GroundWorks has left a tremendous impact on who I am as a dancer myself. I am extremely saddened to know that it is coming to a close, but grateful to have had such an amazing contemporary dance company close to home.

Kyla Hayashi

Forever grateful and inspired by our collaboration of Messiaen's Quartet for the End of Time. Truly honored to have shared artistic vision with you, David, and to witness "Transcendence" spectacularly come to fruition under your beautiful artistry. Thank you, personally, and on behalf of CityMusic Cleveland, for a most memorable collaboration. Congratulations on your remarkable career that has especially left Northeast Ohio (and beyond) so culturally enriched.

Donna Lee
CityMusic Cleveland

Working on Remora with GroundWorks and David Shimotakahara was a tremendous experience for me. Not only did we create a work I could never have imagined, but the conversations that David and I had during the process were profound and rare. He is wise because he is deeply observant, insightful, pragmatic and has an astute, curious and poetic mind.

GroundWorks brought so much contemporary dance to Cleveland, and introduced the artists he commissioned to extraordinary dancers, excellent collaborators a first-rate production team and an informed, knowledgeable audience. An ethos of high professionalism permeates this group thanks to David’s leadership.

I make dances to understand what dances can do, and what they can be. I collaborate to push beyond the limits of my imagination. After we wrapped up the creative process for Remora, David asked me: “Did it turn out how you thought?” I immediately replied, “I hope not!” Sustaining fascination is the goal. For me, a valuable creative process is one where I’m collaborating with great talents to encounter images, actions and ideas that I didn’t know I wanted. Remora was a process of emergence. We didn’t have a singular goal or intention except to follow the clues of the dance itself as it took shape. Wonder guided us. So did intensity, complexity and coherence.

My thanks always to David and GroundWorks - a truly amazing company and creative culture -- for the opportunity they gave me, to be a part of something that sparked my growth as an artist and for creating the conditions for wonder.

Eric Michael Handman
Choreographer and Collaborator; Associate Professor at the University of Utah's Department of Modern Dance

I'll forever be grateful to David Shimotakahara for the inventive, bold dance theater that he brought to Northeast Ohio through GroundWorks. This year's exhilarating collaboration with jazz pianist Theron Brown at Akron's House Three Thirty reminded me of past company highlights at Akron's Ice House with live music (always such a bonus!) by percussionist Gustavo Aguilar. Dancers Felise Bagley and Damien Highfield were a joy to watch over the years, and their long tenure created an especially warm connection for me with the group. Lighting by Dennis Dugan and costumes by Janet Bolick also always added to the overall high standard. I will miss this inspirational company more than I can say.

Elaine Guregian
Dance critic 1990-2008, Akron Beacon Journal; fan ever since.

I will always treasure the time I spent working as Administrative Assistant for GroundWorks DanceTheater. The employees were more like a family than work colleagues as we shared a commitment to excellence which in turn produced a loyal fan base that was both personal and enthusiastic. I was fortunate to start working there almost from the beginning when the company's office was located in the attic of the home of David Shimotakahara, the Artistic Director. My duties included handling the box office, so I often could watch each performance series multiple times. I was always fascinated by the agility and expertise of the dancers and the mood their movements created. My favorite venue was the Ice House in Akron, Ohio. Built in 1879, the building provided a haunting backdrop for each performance - the 80 foot high ceiling and brick walls darkened with age - a study in contrast to the expressive and innovative dances created by GWDT. Ohio will miss this contemporary dance company.

Pam Esch
Former Employee

I have the great honor of knowing David as a dancer, then watching him build Groudworks from the "ground" up! I was honored to create two works for the company in which included David as a dancer in both. His reach as both as a performing artist, and director have been marked by a level of great generosity. Kudos my friend for all that you have given to the dance world, and to the community at large! Here's to the next chapters!

Beth Corning
Guest Choreographer

It was an honor to perform in GroundWorks early years not only as a dancer/artist but in developing its outreach programming. Your work not only touched audiences but inspired young students to find their voice through their creativity. The legacy of GroundWorks will continue to live on through them.

Mark Otloski
Dancer, Education Outreach Coordinator Alum

David and Felice! Enjoyed your artistic abilities.

Scott & Eve Hartmen

The pandemic performance in the parking lot was very special!


The ice house was a blast. We'll miss you!


You all make life greater--so creative.


Thank you David & GroundWorks for bringing dance equitably to Akronites & beyond!

Erica Copley
Long Time Heinz Poll Dance Festival Patron

Thank you David! Loved GroundWorks. Creative, dynamic, beautiful.

Long Time Heinz Poll Dance Festival Patron

GroundWorks' Winter Intensive 2022...I made friends there who I still speak to regularly!
With much love,

Abigail Mosier
Dancer, Movement Practitioner

Performances at the Ice House was a cool experience :)


Having watched you grow from the Ohio Ballet to your own dance company was a wonderful thing. My dearest cousin, Pete, introduced me to your work. I imagine him looking down upon you now grinning his amazing grin!

Lynn Sehika

GroundWorks has always been my favorite dance company. The first time I saw David dance with Ohio Ballet I knew he was especially exquisite! Thank you for sharing so much joy!


Thanks for the great performances everybody! Special shout out to Ahna Bonnette!!

Drew Backmeen
Grand Finale Patron

Dear David,
Congratulations on a quarter century of creativity and unrelenting hard work to build and sustain GroundWorks. I will always remember how kind and patient you are in all your interactions. May the future be full of meaningful projects that bring you lightness and joy.

Isabel Trautwein

When I moved to Cleveland 20 years ago, I thought dance would be in my past. But then I met Shimo and the GroundWorks crew at Cleveland City Dance and they pulled me back in. It became a long collaboration of taking class together, teaching, watching rehearsals and the creative process, enjoying performances. I remember the unwavering support of Jack, everybody should have a Jack. I remember the unique spirit of Shimo, Amy, Felice, Mark and Damian as separate, yet one. The international dance world will be less for the closing of the company and the world for the ideas that were created anew. I will miss you.

Samantha Damoulakis
Former Patron, Board Member

So sad to see you go. Thank you for your years of contributing to our community. Best wishes to all of you and to continued dance opportunities in Cleveland.

Cheryl Weinstein

Thank you, David, and dancers and all who have given us GroundWorks DanceTheater for the past twenty-five years. Enjoy your next venture, David!

Barbara Schubert

I thought that the presentation was absolutely great in an experience that choreographer David Shimotakahara brought to the essence of dance with that original style, skill and beauty ... Excellent... David I really wanted to join your company but missed my shot so as a man of strength I have to show real support and would not deny that which is your genius... MUCH LOVE to GroundWorks... Clevelands historical innovative dance company... Maybe it was meant to end but If god wills a new beginning you have my full support. MUCH LOVE

Geoffrey Peak
Patron & Volunteer

It has been a pleasure knowing you and watching your work at the different festivals we have been showcased. The energy of your creations and the range of art you have handled is amazing. Will miss your presence and I wish you the very best for your future! Good health, creativity and peace to you!

Sujatha Srinivasan
Dancer and a Fan

Here's to 25 years! What a remarkable body of work and so much more - thank you. I first saw GroundWorks perform at the College of Wooster in the early 2000's and became a fan ever since. Thankful for the memories. Bravo!

Thomas Parks

Here's to 25 years! What a remarkable body of work and so much more - thank you. I first saw GroundWorks perform at the College of Wooster in the early 2000's and became a fan ever since. Thankful for the memories. Bravo!

Thomas Parks

Working with GroundWorks Dance Theater in 2023 was a highlight in my creative life. The company dancers cultivated by David Shimotakahara were grounded and receptive. I loved the environment of intimacy and rigor that was cultivated in the company. David encouraged absolute curiosity in his troupe and a compassionate process that allowed us all to take risks. GroundWorks Dance Theater is an enduring and essential part of our dance history in the United States.

Sidra Bell

It has been a pleasure knowing you and watching your work at the different festivals we have been showcased. The energy of your creations and the range of art you have handled is amazing. Will miss your presence and I wish you the very best for your future! Good health, creativity and peace to you!

Sujatha Srinivasan
Dancer and a Fan

It is impossible to say that I would be the person I am today without GroundWorks. The way I move my body, the way I choreograph, the way that I approach movement, and the way I approach life has been fundamentally changed and fostered by GroundWorks. So many of the members of the company were teachers, mentors, and role models to me. Through there guiding, I feel like I was able to better find myself, both as an artist and as a person. That is why it hurst so bad to say good bye; seeing GroudWorks go almost feels like saying goodbye to a part of myself. And yet, I am so grateful for everything this company has done. Thank you so much David, Joan, Morgan, Tori, Matt, Ahna, Emma, Tea, Nicole, Annie, Amy and everyone else who I may not have had the pleasure of working with directly. Thank you all for creating something so beautiful.

Joshua Estok
Studied Under Members of Groundworks

To Groundworks

Not a troupe
But an organism.

Not a company
But a gang.

Not performers
But rebels.

Not dancers
But lovers,
And anarchists.

Not a rock
But a lode.

Not a vegetable
But ripe fruit.

Not vanilla
But pistachio.

Not moisture
But sweat.

Not normal
But uncanny.

Not a trip
But a journey.

Not a tune
But a song.

Not quantifiable
But immeasurable.

Not a work
But a legacy.

Lisa Shimotakahara

It is easy to state that all that I am today as a professional photographer I owe to GroundWorks DanceTheater and Verb Ballet. Verb gave me my first chance to photograph their performances then David seeing my work posted hired me to shoot for GroundWorks. David's method is to never tell anyone how to do something. He simply gives subtle suggestions and leaves us to figure out the details on our own. This freedom allowed me to experiment with various photographic techniques and with the brilliant lighting of Dennis Dugan I was challenged in a great way to do my very best. Photography is all a manner of concentration. You need to be totally in the zone to get "that great and awesome photo". GroundWorks gave me the freedom and as a result I was able to deliver what I feel were consistently professionally grade photos. In my process I will take hundreds of photos during a dress/tech or performance yet no one complain. David and his crew would patiently sort through finding the diamonds among the rocks. One could not ask for a better boss, a better work environment and a better crew to work with. It is my hope that when David once again lands on his feet I will be asked to once again photograph his work. One of my all time favorite photos will be the one below that shows the spirit of GroundWorks even at the final performance at Cain Park. Cheers!

Mark Horning

David took a chance on me as a young choreographer and laid the groundwork for what has been a fruitful and exciting career. Thank you for seeing my potential and for trusting me to execute my vision even before I was confident enough to trust myself. I have gone on to set works on many companies, but it will always be my residency with GroundWorks that set the standard for feeling trusted, appreciated, encouraged and valued. It is by this barometer that I measure the collaborations that feel right to me, even to this day. Thank you for your vision and endless generosity. You inspire me and I am eternally grateful.

Rosie Herrera
Commissioned Choreographer

It was a great artistic pleasure and honor to be in the orbit of GroundWorks even briefly-- to choreograph for such intelligent and motivated dancers, to work with David Shimotakahara, the most thoughtful and caring Artistic Director on the planet, to benefit from all of his work setting up systems. raising funding, and creating a comfortable rehearsal space. Congratulations on all of that the hard work, all the great performances, and all the achievements large and small, seen and unseen!

Jill Sigman
Commissioned Choreographer

This photo of David was taken at Marjorie Talalay's apartment in 2003. Marjorie was one of the founding supporters of GroundWorks, which had just reached its fourth year when we had this Christmas celebration. The party was filled with laughter, drinks, food, and great hopes for the fledging dance company. We toasted GroundWorks and marveled at what a wonderful adventure you were embarking on, David. To 25 extraordinary years!! It's been an amazing journey. You have brought so much to Cleveland and beyond. Much love, Kathy, Laurie, and Nina (and our mother, looking down and raising a glass from on high).

Kathy Talalay

When David and I met, I told him that I had never and would never appear on stage or dance. Only David could turn that around. Thank you David and GroundWorks for giving me the opportunity to go outside of my comfort zone and discover that even I could(almost) dance.

It Takes Two!

Whenever GroundWorks performed at Playhouse Square's annual Dance Showcase, it was always - always, memorable. Here is a photo from 2018, Lynne Taylor-Corbett's piece "Hindsight," created in 2011 as a tribute to the music of Akron native Chrissie Hynde. (Photo by Ken Blaze.)

Daniel Hahn

David, It was a great pleasure playing Ghost Opera with GroundWorks in Cleveland and Akron! I'm grateful for the opportunities you provided. Wish you all the best!

Yihan Chen
Pipa player

Our first encounter dates back to my arrival at moCA when Marjorie Talalay mounted her seminal show Dislocations and commissioned a haunting solo work that reflected on your familial history of wartime incarceration. Your brilliance, empathy, and inspiring collegiality as an artist were hallmarks then and continued throughout our long professional partnership and friendship. Selfishly, the highlight for me was the privilege to partner with you as a celebrity dancer --- what joy! I wish you continued inspiration in your next chapter and look forward to witnessing your talents bearing new fruit.

Jill Snyder
Institutional Partner and It Takes Two! Celebrity Dancer

I recall meeting you in 1998 or 99 at a picnic at Bratenahl with Pat Doyle, Marjorie Talalay, Pete and Bobbi vanDijk, Harriet Wadsworth, Susan Lajoie Egan and several others. My young kids ran around the picnic. Like many wonderful creative types, and I include Pete van Dijk here, your personality and vision seemed quiet but the more you said, the more exciting the vision, and the more I knew that vision would bloom to untold bounties. What a wonderful investment in creativity! And little did I know that I'd be a "star" in "It Takes Two" in 2014. What fun. Fun and creativity! You made it happen. Cheers and Celebrations!

Jenny Frutchy

A haiku

ARTitect of dreams
QuARTer of a century
Forever in heARTS

Julie Nakagawa / DanceWorks Chicago
Good Dance Citizen

For all you artistic and loving performances, I say, THANK YOU!

Susan Rizzo

Celebrate GroundWorks DanceTheater’s milestone 25th Anniversary by donating to our 25th Anniversary Annual Fund campaign. Your gift–no matter the size–will provide crucial support in helping us to continue our guest residencies, performances, and signature education and outreach programs throughout Northeast Ohio.


Celebrate GroundWorks DanceTheater’s milestone 25th Anniversary by donating to our 25th Anniversary Annual Fund campaign. Your gift–no matter the size–will provide crucial support in helping us to continue our guest residencies, performances, and signature education and outreach programs throughout Northeast Ohio.


Community impact is a central focus of GroundWorks DanceTheater's mission, serving over 8,000 individuals annually. Explore our diverse community programs, encompassing educational initiatives for schools, local outreach, and pre/professional dance training.


Community impact is a central focus of GroundWorks DanceTheater's mission, serving over 8,000 individuals annually. Explore our diverse community programs, encompassing educational initiatives for schools, local outreach, and pre/professional dance training.


Contact us, follow our blog, subscribe.

David (and then also GroundWorks) have been an important part of my artistic life as well my personal creative well-being since I first met and worked with him - going back to the Ohio Ballet days. I will never forget the experience of working with him on Alchera.

This video is a recording of the main melody from our piece, Alchera. The photos are from Wilma Salisbury's review in The Plain Dealer (July 27th, 1997).

Roger Zahab
Musician, Collaborator, Donor and Friend

Bravo GroundWorks! Thank you for 25 Years!

Pam Pribisco
Company Class Teacher

So many memories. Groundworks has been a huge inspiration in my life since I saw my first dance show almost 15 years ago. It was breathtaking. The style, sound and vibrancy of the work was unlike anything I have witnessed. After that show, I knew my journey with the company would not end there. I started to work for Groundworks in one capacity or another for over a decade until I landed my dream job, being the company's Lighting Designer. Working with such incredible talented artists has made me grow so much as an artist and person. I will truly miss it.


Thank you!

Elizabeth Misson
Winter Intensive student

Thank you all! All the best to all of you!!

Brian Robinson


We would like to invite you to share a thought or brief message about something that has been meaningful to you about your experience with GroundWorks. Use the form to submit a text, video or photo response. Responses will be posted below in celebration of our 25 year legacy.

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